Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Someone called this 'Annual Song and Dance'

My bi-annual lesson observation is finally over.

It's been a lot of stress over this observation thingy. To prepare for it, besides planning the lesson and sourcing for the resources, I had to rack my brain for ideas. After all, how interesting can a writing lesson be? My colleague with 15 years experience asked me what's there to observe for a writing lesson. And I had to 'rehearse' with the kids using a similar activity. I was really worried when they couldn't do it without more guidance. I used to have some high-ability kids who were able to do anything you have in mind without much instructions. On top of all this, I had to submit the lesson plan in advance, so it's double stress.

Thanks to Hui Yi who gave me ideas to make the lesson plan colourful. I included a role-play-cum-freeze-frame on robbery and uploaded videos on robbery to show the kids.

Then I used the newspaper article method to elicit words related to the topic.

I think my RO was pretty impressed. She gave me a thumb's up before she left.

Actually, I had a nightmare about lesson observation just last night. I dreamt that I didn't prepare aptly - I had to rush a few floors down at the time of my lesson to zap some stuff at least twice. It was very messy in the dream. Lots of panic moments.

I'm just glad it's over - for a few months at least.

I don't know why I'm just so unlucky. Others tell me that their ROs didn't observe them for a year because they were too busy, or observe them just once a year. But my observation never fails to be twice a year.

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