Saturday, 24 April 2010

Coco's birthday celebration - Part II

We celebrated Coco's birthday in two folds ie. one day at Universal Studio and the next at home with the family.

I ordered the cake from Pine Garden and specifically asked for decorative figurines that they have as I had placed order just 3 days in advance. I wouldn't have the time to source for figurines. The last I asked last week, they had Hello Kitty and Sesame Street characters. Coco opted for Sesame Street.

After rushing home from school to pick out the cake and flavours, which is Lychee Martini without the Martini, Pine Garden called me just the day before the celebration to confirm the order. And guess what? I didn't even go down to the shop to place my deposit!

Everything was confirmed via a phonecall when I was in Universal Studio. And the cake turned up at my doorstep at 5.30pm when I had opted for a 6 to 7pm slot. Everything was nicely done. I'm impressed. Imagine - I just needed to order the cake via email. That's what I call value-added service as a result of advanced technology.

The close-up

Looking pleased with her presents

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