Friday 14 June 2019

A Tai-Tai Moment at The Landing Point

Last week, I had a sudden craving for an afternoon tea (as usual), so I asked Coco to tea at The Landing Point at The Fullerton Bay.

It was my second time at The Landing Point after ... at least two years? Food at afternoon teas is seldom impressive for its taste. I relish the ambience more. Perhaps it's an escapism for me - an escape from the reality that I am not a tai-tai, an escape into the surrealism that makes me feel like a tai-tai, even if it's just for a few hours.
Pardon the poor resolution. I have gotten lazy and handphones are so much handier, and kinder on my ageing visage than the too-honest DSLR that shows my every single line and shine.

Our favourite was the Boston Lobster Cornet a l'Oriental, shown on the bottom left corner. Afternoon teas at the Fullerton hotels are always replenishable (that includes the afternoon tea at The Courtyard at The Fullerton Hotel itself) and that was our third serving of the same item, and we got savage with our request: 6 please! Coco took one before I could take a picture of an indication of our overt display of gluttony.

The rest of the items were not fantastic to me, but Coco enjoyed the afternoon tea a lot. In fact, she said that it was the most enjoyable tea she ever had! 

Like her mother, she prefers savouries to sweets. At the end of the tea, we had quite a few sweets left on the stand. We didn't even bother to pack them home as history has proven that they are just waiting to be thrown into the home dustbin!

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