Tuesday, 2 October 2007

MC King

William hasn't been going to work for more than a week.

He claims that he can't sleep and takes sleeping pills, and so can't wake up in the morning. He calls in sick for 6 working days in a row.

Today, he received a call from a friend who works at the same school and apparently, he was complained by the school staff that he didn't call in early and resulted in inconvenience for others, which is valid in my opinion.

In all honesty, I can't agree to his attitude towards work.

I can't imagine myself not going work for more than a week, and calling in sick every day, over insomnia. And the way I see it, his so-called insomnia is self-induced. He doesn't sleep till very late, and takes sleeping pill at 1am, and claim that the pills are too powerful. I mean, who takes sleeping pills at 1am? If you're really serious about getting some sleep, you would take sleeping pills at 8pm to prepare your body for a night's sleep. You don't take sleeping pills at 12am or 1am knowing that you need to wake up at 5am or 6am.

I despise the way he finds excuses not to go to work. As it is, he's already granted and applied for a transfer and he'll be out of this place by December. I don't think it's professional or even decent to call in sick every day when you are perfectly healthy. And spending $200 on medical bill a week! I don't even see a doctor when my throat is hoarse because I want to save that $30. I'm disappointed and disgusted by a man I used to look up to. I hate myself for thinking that this man is right for me. How can he be right for me when our value systems are so different? Yet, when we were in a relationship, he made me believe that they are similar.

I despise the way he justifies his MC rate. I despise the way he doesn't feel that what he does is wrong and listing out others who are 'worse' than he.

I hate myself for marrying him, to say the least.

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