Sunday, 16 December 2007


I am staying home because I am trying out the method Amjad recommended me.

I don't have baking soda, so I'm using baking powder instead.

I hope it works. It's supposed to 'suck out' the splinter so that it's visible for me to pull it out.

If it doesn't, I'll need to go to the doc. The thought of going to the doc freaks me out. He's going to be unsympathetic as he cuts open my sole to get that prick out. I'm not supposed to give even a tiny yelp if it hurts like mad. I don't know how I can do that. I'm even more afraid that the doc would be angry with me and give up helping me take out the splinter because I keep taking my foot back. Oh please God, let the splinter come out!

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