Monday, 11 February 2008

At home today

I'm on MC today.

Down with a cold. I decided that today's the lesser of two evils for an MC. There's just a workshop till 4.30pm after school. But for tomorrow, there's the first-ever level remediation lesson AND house practice. I'll need to pass the lesson plans and worksheets and pre-test papers to the other teacher who's also doing the same subject remediation. Without me, he would have to print the worksheets himself, and the pre-test papers would be without the school name and logo, and he would have to conduct the remediation class on his own, with 42 students. I bet he would be upset with me. Not that I'm very concerned about the degree of upsetness with me. I'm more worried than upset, that everything will be topsy turvy if I'm not around. He's a retired teacher for your information. I don't want to tax him so hard for something that's done for the first time in the whole history of this school, and something that's so vital to the new vp.


William told me this morning that he got something similar to retinal detachment. Oh, that I've heard of and I know it can lead to blindness. I didn't think it was so serious. He has the habit of exaggerating his sorrows. He kept crying and saying that he's scared that he may go blind, and he doesn't want to go for an operation. I don't know what's with me, I do sympathise with him but what came out of my mouth was,"Hey, you are a man you know? Stop crying!" "Of course everybody would be scared about an operation!"

I hate to see weakness, now that I'm considered a 'strong' person after going through a fair bit in life. I think I even despise weakness, especially in men. Now I understand why there's the Chinese saying about men shouldn't cry even when they bleed. It must have come from women who can't stand sissies. After so many years, I finally agree with this statement.


I'm getting real fat. My arms are flabby, my thighs are like tree trunks, and my stomach and butt wobble when I walk a little faster. It's disgusting. Now I understand why it's hard to resist food for fat people. Now I understand why fat people find it impossible to slim down.


I was on a friend's blog and read that she wants to make friends with 'life-giving' people. Wow, the idea of it all sounds so awesome. "Life-giving" people. Who doesn't want to make friends with such people? But like the law of likes attracting likes, I'm sure these people also want the other party to be life-givers as well. I suppose life-giving people are optimistic and positive people, which I'm not (but trying hard to be one). I was telling Chujuan how 'sian' it is to hear every word coming out from William's mouth to be negative and she agreed. She totally understands how it feels like to hear all the negative stuff from one person. You just don't feel like talking to that person, or asking that person to shut up. It's already a tall order to be positive in this world when everything looks bleak. It's bloody irritating to have someone pouring cold water over you whenever you try so hard to be or think positive. But I've learnt that thinking positive does help.

'I am rich. I am rich. I am rich.'

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