Saturday, 27 February 2010

Blogging and Commenting

Recently, I've been blogging like mad.

I am in every capacity to limit my blog to invited readers. So why don't I?

I think blogging, like online chatting, is an outlet of frustration for me. I sound like I've a lot of pent-up frustration huh. I suppose to a great extent, I'm quite a restrained person, outwardly. Already, I'm reading on a thread in a forum I frequent that people born in my zodiac years are 'weird' or 'mad' (mostly 'weird'), probably due to our restraint or inaptness at expressing ourselves. So blogging does help to relieve the inability or disallowance of expression.

I have very low readership. That doesn't bother me because I like the privacy that the blogging world offers. It sounds like an oxymoron: private blogging world, but it's precisely I'm sharing with strangers that I'm open with my life.

Perhaps there are some truth in saying that we're, or I'm, weird. I don't share my blog with my family or friends. One or two friends know that I have a blog and had asked me to share it. I eluded that request because I am a firm believer of 'Familiarity breeds contempt'. Just like in a chatroom, I am able to tell strangers everything about myself, excluding the lurid details, but I don't do that with my friends or family in the real world.

With high readership, you tend to get nasty or rude people who remain anonymous saying unpleasant things in the chatbox or comment section. I just find it stupid to battle with those nasties - "Don't fight with the pigs. You get dirty and they enjoy it."

It's my blog. I write what I feel, even if it's plain whining. As long as I don't hurt anybody intentionally, maliciously with false accusations. I don't see why I can't blog my point of view.

If the pigs don't like what's on the blog, they don't have to read it. It's downright despicable to hit and run - say something nasty or stupid on the chatbox or in the comment section anonymously and run away cowardly.

Ever since I came across this statement decades ago - "If you don't have anything edifying to say, keep it to yourself." I try to abide by it. What's the point in attacking someone maliciously or being underhanded just to hurt the other party? It's worse when the other party has done nothing to hurt you. That's human nature at its worst, I always believe - to seek to destroy when it doesn't benefit you a bit. We call it '损人不利己' in Chinese.

It's immature to leave a comment attacking or hostile in nature when it's uncalled for.

If you don't agree with the writer, just say so and state your point of view, not give some retarded comment. Better yet, share your blog to show how mature your point of view are, if they are so share-worthy.

And I do believe that most statements can be worded in a civilised way without calling another person names, which just shows how low down and 小人 (simply can't resist the use of this term) these pigs are.

I've read blogs literally venting out loud, using tons of exclamation mark as punctuation for just about every sentence typed. I've read blogs that sounded petty and childish, or simply rubbish. Do I go to the Comment section and start to tell the blogger "Stop being childish!"? It's not my perogative to attack someone on his or her blog just because I am a reader, and can remain anonymous in the virtual world. It's not a fair fight and it just goes to show a lack of maturity, integrity and empathy in me. We all know too well that nasty comments affect the writer but make the nasty commenter happy - doesn't that sound like a sicko and loser mentality?

Human nature is such that we are easily antagonised. It takes a high EQ person to take nasty comments in his stride or to ignore it. It's just like people casting stones at you and you try to keep your head up and continue to walk like nothing's happened.

I've always tried to maintain a grateful heart, although I don't say the grateful words, and be kind. It doesn't take alot for me to be kind, but it means alot to the person I'm showing kindness to. I don't need or want the person to be grateful to me eternally. My rewards will come from above. That said, I am not an angel and don't pretend to be one. I struggle to be kind sometimes as most selfish human beings do.

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