Tuesday 25 January 2011

Coco went camping

Coco has gone camping with her school these two days.

She will be back tomorrow.

I actually feel very relieved that she's not around. Sounds like a lousy mother huh. But that's really how I feel.

For two days, I do not have to hound her to do her homework, do my work, eat, eat faster, bathe, use her asthma medication, practise piano, practise till she's fluent at it, eat again, eat faster again, threaten to take away the meal if she does not finish it, pack her bag, get her uniform ready, sleep, close her eyes, stop reading, keep quiet, sleep properly ...

I hate to nag.

I am sure there are people who love to nag. I highly suspect William enjoys nagging. He can repeat something over and over again till you feel tired listening to him. But I don't.

But I do wonder how she is coping at the camp. Is she using her asthma medication regularly? Is she able to sleep well? Does she get enough sleep? Does she eat?

When your kid is at a camp, no news from the teacher is good news. I will see her again tomorrow. And the hounding will restart.

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