Sunday 5 April 2009

Things to do

It's been frustrating using the internet. It shuts down all of a sudden and it's getting more frequent.

There're quite a few things I need to do by this week, today, actually:
1) Do up a lesson plan on Group Writing on either Burglary or Robbery
2) Think up of the activity for the 5E model for Science to address the Explore/Explain portion on 'Identifying that there are different properties for each material' and inform the Head in charge and make changes to my original lesson plan for Science
3) I am sure there's a 3rd item on the list but I've forgotten what it is. Oh well, it'll come back to me.

The next 2 items to purchase, that's been on my mind recently, is a Braun handheld blender
and a Connecta baby carrier. Baby has started to like being carried in a sitting or standing position rather than being cradled since she was very little actually. Maybe when she was in her 3rd month? Or even earlier. These would come up to more than $200 though. I'll see how it goes.

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