Sunday 27 March 2011

What we fight over

We have been fighting over who should look after Baby.

The current babysitter doesn't cut it. I want Baby to be away from her as soon as possible, but William is delaying it, because it's cheaper for him. Damn him!

I want my mother to look after Baby, but he wants his mother to look after Baby.

The reason I don't want his mother to come over to look after Baby is because I don't want the issue of house cleaning or Baby to create friction between us.

I remember how his mother didn't like me putting my bag on the dining table when I went to their place before we got married.

Just one bag and she was not happy already. I cannot imagine what she would say when she comes over - our house is messier than East Timor by her standard.

My mother was asking me to give in to him, to let his mother look after Baby. And she said this,"I don't want you to quarrel because of me."

I quipped,"Do you think we'd quarrel because of you?"

I pointed to the crumb of cake on the knife I was holding and told her,"We would quarrel over this ... and garbage."

We quarrel over everything, literally.

A chatfriend was just telling me that he did not want to create trouble for me, meaning he did not want himself to be the agent of quarrel between us.

I find it very laughable.

Everybody is saying the same thing, that they do not want to cause us to quarrel.

My take is this: if the relationship is unhealthy or rocky, the couple will quarrel over every damn thing. It has nothing to do with anybody else.

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