Thursday 13 December 2007

Women and Men

Just came across this from a singaporebrides mate's Multiply and found it very true (not like I can verify it though) and highly interesting:

Why women are good at wrapping presents – and Men aren't

Extracted from The Daily Mail [Dec 6 2007]

Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

Most men see wrapping presents as a fruitless exercise. A present is a present whether it’s tied up with a bow or not. To them, it is pointless covering something in paper when you’re just going to rip it off.

A woman on the other hand likes to see that the giver has taken care and attention in wrapping her gift. To her mind, it is a display of love and affection to see that a present has been wrapped thoughtfully.

But there is scientific reason why men don’t like wrapping presents. Men and women’s eyes are constructed differently. Men suffer greater eyestrain than women because, as hunters, their eyes are genetically configure for long distances – for scanning the horizon for the next kill.

As a gatherer and nurturer, a woman’s eyes are better suited for close-range activities, making it easier for her to work on fine detail.

Being dextrous would also have been an advantage to the process of gathering fruit and berries as it gives twice the speed, so women have evolved to be more quick fingered and more likely to be ambidextrous than men, which means the average woman is excellent at tying bows and wrapping fiddly presents.

What’s more, when it comes to choosing ribbons and wrapping paper, women’s eyes are better at putting colours together than men. The retina contains about 130 million cells to deal with black and white and 7 million to handle colour.

The X chromosome in our DNA provides these colour cells and while men have only one X chromosome, women have two, which gives them greater variety. This difference is noticeable in how women describe colours in greater detail. A man will use basic colour descriptions like red, blue and green, but a woman will talk of aqua, teal, mauve and apple green.

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