Thursday 9 December 2010

Cough, Cough, Cough!

I am down with coughing fits.

It's what Chinese physicians call 'cold cough': white phlegm, cough gets worse at night.

I am supposed to abstain from chicken (my favourite food) and the cold stuff like dessert and ice-cream.

The cough is horrible. The throat is terribly itchy and when I cough, my throat hurts. At one point, the inner part of my ear hurt badly because of the violent and frequent coughing. It gets worse when I am in an air-conditioned or a fan-powered environment.

The cab driver, while driving, opened his window to let the germs out of his cab when I coughed furiously in his car last night! I didn't know to feel insulted or bad about it. To make matter worse, Baby seemed to have caught my virus. She coughed this morning!

I downed almost 3 bottles of small-sized peppermint syrup and they failed in their mission.

I browsed through the library of medicines in my fridge and saw that I had a bottle of Dhasedyl in my name! I can't remember the last time I was really sick.

I seldom fall sick. When I do, it sucks big time and lasts for quite some time.

God, heal me!

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